25 / 10 / 2023 Mittwoch // Konser
Sonic Worlding w/ Nour Sokhon + Alienationist + Justin +

For the second edition of "Sonic Worlding", we will explore the potential of new rhythms, sounds, and words that are still to be unlocked, spinning new webs of thought spanning the globe. For this, Alienationist invites two unique artists from Berlin's undergrounds.

In her live performance "What kind of life is this?", Nour Sokhon explores the lives of migrants and asylum seekers that disappeared at sea. News broadcasts, collected voice notes, live vocal loops and field recordings appear throughout the performance as a cathartic ritual on stage.

Justin's immersive take on electronic music creates an array of fluid and fractured landscapes.

Alienationist is a Berlin-based musician, writer, and editor of Norient for which he curates the monthly experimental column "Sonic Worlding" in which the contributors are invited to think with instead of about music. Alienationist's music merges poetry with ambient, bass-driven club music, spoken word, and queer theory.